What We Believe

We believe:

  1. Yahweh, the God revealed in the Bible, made the whole of Creation. (Genesis 1 & 2)
  2. Man fell because of the sin of disobedience, from his exalted position, and is in need of salvation.
  3. The whole Bible (all 66 books) as it was originally written is the inspired Word of God and reveals the plan for man’s salvation.
  4. The Bible’s teachings are eternal and therefore have application where appropriate.
  5. The Covenants found in the Bible must be fully understood in their original setting and
    application as a basis for our faith in Messiah.
  6. The 10 Words (commonly called the 10 Commandments), are the fundamental foundation on which good society is built. The 4th commandment to “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy” has current relevance.
  7. The Festivals of Yahweh (Leviticus 23) are His Mo’edim (Holy appointed timetable)
    1. The weekly 7th day Sabbath
    2. Passover
    3. Unleavened Bread
    4. First Fruits
    5. Shavuot/Pentecost
    6. Yom Teruah
    7. Yom Kippur
    8. Sukkot
    9. Shemini Azeret

8. Israel has an Eternal Covenant relationship with Yahweh that is to be respected and honoured.

9. The Messiah came to Israel in the person of Yeshua of Nazareth and fulfilled all that was written in the Bible regarding His first coming as the Suffering Servant and Redeemer.

10. To have faith (Mark 11:23) in what God the Father accomplished through His Son Yeshua in His death, burial and resurrection. Yeshua has made it possible for sinful man to be renewed from the inside through; –
a. The New Birth that is by repenting and turning from known sinful actions to God, believing in and asking Yeshua to come into their life.
b. Acknowledging their new status in Messiah by being fully baptized in water
c. Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38,41; 19:6)

11. This New Birth is open to all who believe and as a result they are grafted into Israel. (Romans 11:17)

12. The 3 great pillars of a redeemed people are “Faith, Hope and Love” (1 Cor 13:13) and yet the same are found in the Tenach (writings of the Old Testament) in Jeremiah 9:24. This is written as “Righteousness, Judgement and Lovingkindness (Mercy)”.
These two scriptures are one and the same in essence.

13. In the importance of walking (Hebrew ‘Halacha’) as the Messiah did from a willing heart. “You be followers of me, (or imitate me) even as I (imitate) Messiah.” (1Co 11:1) This we learn from the Holy Scriptures. The Bible reveals the ‘natural order’ of life as Yahweh created it to be in the beginning. (Gen 1 and 2). We are to love what Yahweh loves, and to never embrace what Yahweh hates. In so doing we are in a position to be the people that Yahweh meant mankind to be.

14. Yeshua will soon return of to this Earth to rule and to reign as the Bible reveals.

New Covenant Community is a part of the Greater Body of Messiah. We respect the Christian denominations that have done so much good in the world. However, in order for our members to express their desire to be faithful to the intent of the scriptures of the Holy Bible, and the practices of the original believers in Messiah, we freely and under no threat or compulsion, engage in and hold to the above beliefs and practice, which is our God given right to so do.